International Activities of Convergences

International Activities of Convergences

International Activities of Convergences

International Activities of Convergences

Since 2017, Convergences organises Forums in different countries all around the world. The goal is to create multi-actor dialogue and partnerships in order to facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a 3Zero world: “Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty”.

Why organise Forums in different countries?

Many actors are working in favor of the SDGs around the world. Social innovation, social and solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship, solidarity finance, etc., are booming sectors but actions remain largely compartmentalised. Convergences is convinced that it is by bringing together institutions, civil society, entrepreneurs, media, academics and citizens that the impact of these initiatives will be maximized.  To do so, we suggest to bring together actors around the same table and to work together on the emergence of tools and concrete solutions allowing the transition to a 3Zero world. These meetings have permitted the formation of real networks, notably through the organisation of working groups and the facilitation of exchanges between participating organisations by Convergences. Different ecosystems are created with the setting up of Forums. The objective is to propose a large global network gathering all the actors acting, with Convergences, in favor of the SDGs.

How is a Convergences Forum organised at the international level?

The preparation process of the Convergences Forums is based on a methodology of co-construction and multi-actor partnerships with the national public, private, associative, academic, media and international cooperation sectors. The constitution of a local Working Group (WG) allows the identification of programmatic issues, thus ensuring the added value of the Forum by responding to the needs raised by national actors. The members of the WG identify the themes of the Forum, participate in the elaboration of certain sessions and support the technical organization of the Forum. Once the main themes are identified, a call for contributions is opened so that external organisations can contribute to the Forum. Technical and/or financial partners also support the Forums, with different levels of involvement.

Evolution of the Forums in light of the global pandemic

The international Convergence Forums bring together several hundred people each year. Due to the health context linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and the national and international restrictions concerning the gathering of people, the Convergences Forums have evolved towards online formats, keeping however as ambition to decompartmentalise the sectors through the co-construction of sustainable solutions and the sharing of experiences and initiatives with positive impacts for the achievement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda . Thus, the 3rd edition of the Forum “Together to build the SSE of tomorrow” in Tunisia was held exclusively online and gathered more than 3000 participants!


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