
The Convergences Niger 2019 Forum was held on July 2 in Niamey at the Centre Culturel Franco-Nigérien Jean Rouch, in the framework of the African Union Summit. Following the constitution of the first Convergences Niger 2019 Working Group, the Forum promoted SSE and innovation as vectors for sustainable and inclusive growth in Niger under the theme “For a Niger 3 Zero: putting people and the environment at the heart of development”.


For a 3Zero Niger: Putting People and the Environment at the Heart of Development

Participants at the Forum

The first Niger Convergences Forum was a privileged moment of exchange with the actors of sustainable and inclusive development as well as the actors of the SSE of the country, which allowed the meeting of inspiring project leaders, actors of change and representatives of all sectors working for the transition, through the participation of workshops, conferences and round tables whose goal were to co-construct a Niger “Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty”. The Forum focused on the following four thematic axes Financing and accompanying SSE and development, Fighting climate change, Reducing inequalities and access to essential services and Innovation and development, which allowed participants to get inspired, acquire new working tools, and create collaborations for various projects.


Thank you to the partners of the Convergences Niger 2019 Forum for their support and mobilisation. Join them and affirm your commitment to a 3Zero Niger!

Carbon Neutrality

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Carbon emissions related to the organisation of the Convergences Niger Forum are assessed and fully offset by EcoAct, the event’s carbon neutrality partner. 


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