Forum for Transitions – Towards a Sustainable Carribean
Participants at the Forum
At the initiative of L’Effet Papillon, Convergences, DEAL Guadeloupe, CCI des Îles de Guadeloupe, Comité 21 and French Tech Guadeloupe, the Forum of Transitions – For a Sustainable Caribbean took place in 21 – 22 september. It offered a virtual space for dialogue and exchange between actors and organisations working for a sustainable and inclusive development in the Caribbean.
Born from the will to gather and federate all organisations from different sectors, and concerned citizens committed to a sustainable and inclusive Caribbean, co-constructed with local Working Groups, the Forum will highlight the initiatives and solutions proposed by the actors of change who are committed to a sustainable, responsible and inclusive economic development of the territories. Taking into account the specificities of the Caribbean islands, the Forum gave voice to those who are acting concretely and on their own scale to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Overseas Trajectory 5.0.
During two days, workshops, round tables, stands and more were offered to raise awareness, inform, equip and train on the economic, social, educational and environmental issues of our territories! A “Focus Entreprises” was realised within the framework of the 3rd edition of the “Professional Meetings of Sustainable Development” by the CCI des Iles de Guadeloupe.

The Forum for transitions – Towards a Sustainable Caribbean will tackle inclusive and sustainable development issues following the 3 themes listed below:
New economic models: conciliating growth and positive impacts
Environment protection and regeneration: a look at small and big-scaled impact actions
Inequalities reduction: guaranteeing a decent future for everybody in the society
Agapé Guadeloupe, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie des îles de Guadeloupe, Chambre régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire des îles de Guadeloupe, CIRAD, Comité 21, Convergences, DEAL, DIECCTE GUADELOUPE, Fleur de Carbone SARL, GOPIL, GPMG, INRAE, Karib Horizon, L’effet papillon, Rectorat et Synergîle.
Convergences thanks all its partners for making the organisation of the Forum possible!
La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie des îles de la Guadeloupe (CCI IG) is a public establishment placed under the supervision of the French State which creates, manages, and ensures missions of public service, of general interest and of collective interest in favour of economic actors.
La Direction de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement (DEAL)’s goal is to promote sustainable development in the islands of Guadeloupe by reconciling environmental preservation and coastal development.
L’Effet Papillon is an association originally created to carry the TEDxPointeaPitre project. The structure is now strongly committed to work on environmental protection missions on the islands of Guadeloupe.
Le Comité 21 is an association whose mission is to create the conditions for exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so they can appropriate and implement, together, a sustainable development on a territorial scale.
The French Tech Guadeloupe is an accreditation given by the French authorities to companies with strong technological innovation, and have been recognised for their startup ecosystem, as well as a common brand used by innovative French companies.
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