Launched in 2008, Convergences is a reflection, mobilisation and advocacy platform. Convergences promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the fight against poverty, exclusion and climate change in both developed and developing countries. Composed of more than 300 partner organisations from all sectors, the association acts to stimulate reflection and action, disseminate good practices and promote the co-construction of high impact and innovative partnerships.
Convergences works in all areas likely to have a decisive effect in favor of its objectives: sustainable development, international solidarity for development, solidarity and inclusive finance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social entrepreneurship, social and solidarity economy and new technologies for development.
L’Accélérateur – HEC Paris Helping inclusive companies in the Paris Region to scale up
In societies where the challenges of inclusion increasingly overlap with those of the environment, the map of actors for change is being redrawn. Certain private structures that have chosen to articulate their economic activity to the collective interest have been...
The LabODD: providing committed actors with tools for performance measurement
While for years the finance sector seems to be detached from the real economy, attracting well-founded criticism, some structures are working to restore its role as a powerful lever for inclusion in the fight against poverty and climate change. This is the case of...
The Lab’ess in Tunisia, serving social innovation for a sustainable world
Since the advent of the Jasmine Revolution in January 2011, Tunisia has seen a real boom in associative structures. It is in this context of societal transition that the Lab'ess was born with the support of the GROUPE SOS. The association quickly expanded its...
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