Launched in 2008, Convergences is a reflection, mobilisation and advocacy platform. Convergences promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the fight against poverty, exclusion and climate change in both developed and developing countries. Composed of more than 300 partner organisations from all sectors, the association acts to stimulate reflection and action, disseminate good practices and promote the co-construction of high impact and innovative partnerships.
Convergences works in all areas likely to have a decisive effect in favor of its objectives: sustainable development, international solidarity for development, solidarity and inclusive finance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social entrepreneurship, social and solidarity economy and new technologies for development.
Perspectives for a 3Zero World
For the past fourteen years, Convergences has been carrying a clear message alongside actors of change from all horizons: the convergence of actors and agendas to work towards the transition to sustainable and inclusive models of society. This is how we contribute,...
THRIVE – Organising resilience in vulnerable settings
Climate change is unique in that, affecting the social and economic fields of the globe in a differentiated way, it has effects that are also realized in various aspects. Floods, droughts, locust invasions, landslides or forest fires are all manifestations of climate...
Tech Innov – Digital agriculture at the service of rural populations
The share of agricultural production in the percentage of GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated at 16.7%. In Niger, this value reaches 37.8%, making this country a territory highly dependent on income from the land. With nearly 80% of its population living in rural...
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