Les solutions “Zéro exclusion, Zéro carbone, Zéro pauvreté” de la semaine sélectionnées par Convergences.
Retrouvez chaque semaine une sélection d’articles d’actualités sur les différents secteurs couverts par Convergences : solidarité internationale et développement, partenariats multi-acteurs, Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), environnement et climat, croissance verte et bas carbone, économie sociale et solidaire, entrepreneuriat social, social business et business inclusif, responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE), microfinance, finance solidaire et inclusive, innovation sociale, nouvelles technologies, égalité hommes/femmes…

L'Hebdo 3Zéro du 24 au 30 décembre

L'Hebdo 3Zéro du 17 au 23 décembre

L'Hebdo 3Zéro du 10 au 16 décembre

L'Hebdo 3Zéro du 4 au 9 décembre

Convergences unveils a 100 Solutions for a 3Zero World!
Convergences unveils a 100 solutions for a Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty world ! Based on the previous editions of the Convergences World Forum, Convergences gathered a 100 solutions for a Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty world. These 100...

The 9th Convergences World Forum will be carbon neutral
Thanks to a partnership with EcoAct, the 9th edition of Convergences will be carbon neutral. As a global actor in climate mitigation, EcoAct will measure and offset the CO2 emissions of the Forum by supporting a low carbon and certified project, to be voted on by the...

Convergences Awards – Meet the nominees during the summer!
"If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, then you have to go together." This is what the multi-actors partnerships nominated for the Convergences Awards 2016 proved during the "Meet the nominees" night on June the 23rd. Find the portraits of the...

A retrospective of the first Marseille Convergences Forum
Discover the first Convergences Marseille Forum in partnership with Kedge Business School and ActedOn Tuesday 14 November 2023, Kedge Business School's Marseilles campus hosted the first Convergences Marseille Forum, entitled "Think local in the Southern region...

The 3Zero World Forum celebrates its 15th anniversary in September 2023
Since 2008, the World Forum has become a flagship event for changemakers from across the globe committed to build a fairer and more sustainable world. Thousands of professionals from all sectors (private companies, social and solidarity actors, non-profits, public...

Retour sur l’apéro Youth We Can! Humani’Terre – Protection de l’environnement et action humanitaire : même mission ?
Tous les mois, les Apéros Youth We Can! donnent la parole à des jeunes engagé·e·s qui viennent raconter leurs parcours et partager leurs visions d’une société plus inclusive et responsable. L’objectif ? Créer le déclic chez celles et ceux qui n’osent pas encore...

Merci Raymond and Vertuo – Initiatives that are making our cities greener and more resilient
In France, urban areas occupy 22% of the territory, house 77% of the population and are constantly increasing. Urbanization represents an enormous danger for biodiversity and, as it stands, is not compatible with the consequences of climate change. In addition,...

Perspectives for a 3Zero World
For the past fourteen years, Convergences has been carrying a clear message alongside actors of change from all horizons: the convergence of actors and agendas to work towards the transition to sustainable and inclusive models of society. This is how we contribute,...

Coral Artefact – Using lace to save the coral tissue
"An art that is lively does not reproduce the past but perpetuates it". The story of Corail Artefact could be told as an allegory of this statement made by Auguste Rodin more than a century ago. This story is mainly that of an encounter between a man and an object...

THRIVE – Organising resilience in vulnerable settings
Climate change is unique in that, affecting the social and economic fields of the globe in a differentiated way, it has effects that are also realized in various aspects. Floods, droughts, locust invasions, landslides or forest fires are all manifestations of climate...

Tech Innov – Digital agriculture at the service of rural populations
The share of agricultural production in the percentage of GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated at 16.7%. In Niger, this value reaches 37.8%, making this country a territory highly dependent on income from the land. With nearly 80% of its population living in rural...

L’Accélérateur – HEC Paris Helping inclusive companies in the Paris Region to scale up
In societies where the challenges of inclusion increasingly overlap with those of the environment, the map of actors for change is being redrawn. Certain private structures that have chosen to articulate their economic activity to the collective interest have been...

L’Hermitage: A model for local implementation of the 3Zero
Autrêches, a village nestled in the hollow of the Aisne and Oise valleys, is home to the Hermitage, a third place of rural and citizen innovation. With its 21 buildings and 31 hectares of land, forests and farmland, the Hermitage welcomes agro-ecologists, students,...
A retrospective of the first Marseille Convergences Forum
Discover the first Convergences Marseille Forum in partnership with Kedge Business School and ActedOn Tuesday 14 November 2023, Kedge Business School's Marseilles campus hosted the first Convergences Marseille Forum, entitled "Think local in the Southern region...
The 3Zero World Forum celebrates its 15th anniversary in September 2023
Since 2008, the World Forum has become a flagship event for changemakers from across the globe committed to build a fairer and more sustainable world. Thousands of professionals from all sectors (private companies, social and solidarity actors, non-profits, public...
Merci Raymond and Vertuo – Initiatives that are making our cities greener and more resilient
In France, urban areas occupy 22% of the territory, house 77% of the population and are constantly increasing. Urbanization represents an enormous danger for biodiversity and, as it stands, is not compatible with the consequences of climate change. In addition,...
The solutions for a “Zero exclusion, Zero carbon, Zero poverty” world selected every week by Convergences. Every week, find a selection of articles about news on all sectors related to Convergences (Social and solidarity economy, social innovation, sustainable development, Millenium Development Goals…).

3Zero Weekly: December 24 to 30

3Zero Weekly: December 10 to 16

3Zero Weekly: December 4 to 9

3Zero Weekly: November 26 to December 3
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