Between 2011 and 2015, Convergences published the Hunger Barometer, which aims to inform as many people as possible about food issues and promote concrete solutions to eradicate hunger in the world.
In 2015, the United Nations called for the fight against poverty, inequality and climate change with the adoption of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In parallel, the Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted at COP 21.
It was to reflect this paradigm shift that the Hunger Barometer became the Sustainable Solutions Barometer (SSB) in 2016. Result of the collective work of several associations and organisations, this publication is aimed at the general public, the media and political decision-makers, and aims to raise awareness of the need to mobilise all stakeholders to effectively promote the SDGs and highlight the solutions that address these issues.
In 2015, 1 in 9 people in the world suffered from hunger. Although considerable progress has been made since the 1990s, climate change is likely to increase the number of people suffering from hunger by 600 million by 2080, which could rise from 795 million today, to 1.4 billion!
The 5th edition of the Hunger Barometer, published on Friday 16 October 2015 to mark World Food Day, highlights the importance of the climate dimension, at local and global level, in both Northern and Southern countries, for an effective and sustainable fight against hunger.
Today, the rise in natural disasters (which have doubled since the 1990s) is one of the main causes of food insecurity in the poorest countries. Rising temperatures are having, and will continue to have, a direct impact on undernourishment rates (lower agricultural production and yields, volatility of agricultural commodity prices, etc.). According to the most optimistic projections (+2°C), this rise would cause an increase in the undernourishment rate of 65%.
The 2015 Hunger Barometer features interviews, personal accounts, infographics and articles looking at the link between climate and food issues from the point of view of solutions. It is aimed at the general public, the media and political decision-makers, to raise awareness of the issues and the different dimensions of hunger, and to present the solutions that exist to these problems.