While there has been major advances in sustainable development over the past ten years, the picture is not yet clear. Progress is not yet on the scale of the problems facing our generation and does not address their causes: increasing concentration of wealth and its transmission, lack of renewal of elites and social determinism, increasing insecurity, climate change, rapid population growth, conflicts and competition for access to common goods. It is no longer just a question of optimising existing models, but rather of inventing those that will enable our children and our children’s children to “make society” in a more fraternal, equitable and sustainable 21st century. How can we put the economy at the service of the common good? This is what we discussed at the 11th edition of the World Convergences Forum.
Discover the highlights of the 11th edition
[Relive the 11th World Convergences Forum] SDG 8 : Tech for good
Putting technology at the service of the common good? Yes, it is possible and it is the aim of this young sector of Tech & Science for Good. As France is one of the most prolific countries in Europe in terms of digital startup creation, it seems natural that Tech...
[Relive the 11th World Convergences Forum] SDG 8 : BUSINESS AND ETHICS
DES CLÉS POUR CONJUGUER BUSINESS ET ETHIQUE One year after the adoption of the law on surveillance plans (Plans de vigilance), Convergences proposed a review of the actions conducted in terms of risk prevention by major French companies during the 2018 Convergences...
[Relive the 11th World Convergences Forum] SDG 8 : Moving towards a responsible and sustainable economy
While there has been major advances in sustainable development over the past ten years, the picture is not yet clear. Progress is not yet on the scale of the problems facing our generation and does not address their causes: increasing concentration of wealth and its...
[Relive the 11th World Convergences Forum] SDG 8 : Social Impact Measurement
COUNTING WHAT REALLY MATTERS Introduction : Counting what really matters In 1970, in an article published in the New York Times, the Nobel Prize winner in economics, and ultra-liberalist Milton Friedman, expressed his vision of the social utility of business in this...
[Relive the 11th World Convergences Forum] SDG 8 : Finance for a 3Zero World
FINANCE SERVING A 3ZERO WORLD OR HOW TO END TWO-SPEED FINANCE While global annual asset management stocks are valued at $100 trillion, philanthropy-related flows (in the broad sense) amount to $500 billion. With the new generations, a paradigm shift is taking place...