2011 Edition
The 4th Convergences World Forum took place in Paris on 3, 4 and 5 May, 2011. 3200 participants and 200 expert speakers were reunited for 3 days of debates and discussion.
40 round table and 3 main topics : impact, investment and practices. A professional marketplace, a author coffee but also 3 Great Debates organised by the newspaper Le Monde gathered 3,200 participants.
For its 4th edition, the Convergences World Forum launched the first edition of the Convergences Awards in partnership with La Mairie de Paris, Le Monde and European an Commission.
Reports of sessions
Improving practices
Being responsible for the future
Is social economy at the heart or on the fringes of
Where does the end of poverty begin
Is poverty increasing in developed countries
Conversation between a social entrepreneur
The ‘triple bottom line’, new model or utopia
A good management structure is the key to success
Comparing social economy definitions
The microfinance crisis in India
Sustainability- How to exit emergency programs
Job creation and income generation for the poorest- What role for NGOs
BoP 2.0 for large corporations
Towards efficient regulation and supervision
For an operational rural and agricultural financing
Improve impact
Measuring the social performance of MFIs
Which local governance to achieve a greater impact
How to implement social impact evaluation
Improve investments
More responsibility and more impact
mImproving financial services for the poor
Can private aid eradicate poverty
How can we optimize the use of public funds to
Innovative financing for development
Innovative financial solutions to scale up social businesses
Investing in social enterprises
Microfinance and decentralized cooperation
Increasing exchanges between NGOs and the private sector to raise more funding
Taking the Millennium Development Goals
Closing session of the 4th Convergences 2015 Forum