How to support organisations with social impact in measuring it? As numerous funders of Social and solidary economy (SSE) organisations condition their support with quantified results of impact, they often lack data.
Organisations with social utility know many obstacles they must break in order to measure their social impact. Today, some answers are brought by methodological guides, but many answers come from other sources. But funders of public utility organisations can contribute to bypass a lot of these hinderances and this is why the attendees of the 2nd edition of the Social impact measurement breakfast worked to bring financers a message about the role they can play.
This working group thus elaborated an infography: the Social impact evaluation vademecum for funders of SSE organisations. They can use various methods and tools (funding, competences input, links with experts, etc.) and if this document does not aim to discuss every solution available, it proposes a non-exhaustive panorama of SSE organisations’ needs to evaluate their own social impact, as well as levers funders can use to answer these needs.
About Social impact measurement breakfasts:
The Social impact measurement breakfasts are one of Convergences’ working group, permanent organs dedicated to reflexion and collaborative work, experience-sharing and project development. These breakfasts gather actors of all sectors and aim to improve knowledge of social impact measurement and to create practical tools for professionals. They also created the Social impact measurement compass, the Social impact evaluation for funders of SSE organisations and the Social impact measurement vademecum.
Convergences thanks Avise and KiMSO for their support in hosting the 2nd edition of the Convergences impact measuring breakfasts. Convergences also thanks the organisations which helped creating this infography: I&P, (IM)PROVE, Action Contre la Faim, Admical, Aecis, Altersenso, Avise, B&L evolution, BNP Paribas, BSB-education, Carida 2006, CFADS, Company 21, Crédit coopératif, CSF, CO Conseil, Eqosphere, ESSEC, Ethercourt, Fadev, Favart, Fidarec, FINANCE@IMPACT, Finansol, Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion – Fondation FACE, Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil, France Active, France Volontaire, GDC, Global Compact France, GNIAC, HAATCH, Kimso, La Nef, Le CEDDRE, Le RAMEAU, LGI Consulting,, Love your waste, Make it Real, MezzoCredit, Nantucket Capital, Novethic, NT Trade, Orse, PAMIGA, Passerelles et compétences, Quantis, Sciences Po, Société Générale, SoSciences, StoneSoup, Suez, Total, Vigeo-Eiris, WAX Science, Xange, Wizeimpact, Yunus Center.
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