
All indicators point to the fact that the decade we are entering will be decisive for our common future. The way in which, all together, we implement these measures will be decisive in the management of our social, economic, environmental and democratic issues. In 2020, the Secretary General of the United Nations called for an acceleration of collective ambitions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals agenda, calling for the 2020-2030 decade to be one of action.

To achieve this ambitious agenda, it is crucial that all stakeholders converge their efforts. And it is to this convergence that our Forums and all of our work hope to contribute. By serving as an interface for all initiatives with a strong societal impact that emerge every day, co-constructed by economic, public and associative actors. By bringing together local players, who, thanks to their detailed knowledge of their territories, are, throughout the world, catalysts for innovative and ambitious solutions.

This publication focuses on 100 concrete solutions for the world of tomorrow. Drawing on six key SDGs highlighted by the 12th edition of the World Convergences Forum (“Education”, “Growth”, “Inequalities”, “Climate”, “Peace”, “Partnerships”) and the initiatives presented during the event, everyone invents possibilities for mutual aid, solidarity and collaboration; they ultimately carry technical and societal innovations which, assembled, represent a model of planned transition revealing the wealth, not of what we count, but of what counts.

2016 Edition

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